This recession outcome has taken toll to so many people,alot of people out there have no jobs,struggling which is really frustrating,so majority of us have turned to the Internet to find other ways to earn money be it job wise which seems so difficult at the moment,or ways you can earn money online,and there are various ways to do so but you dedicate your time to do a bit of research and get to know some facts.So i have taken this time to write this hoping it will help others as well,this ways are:
BLOGGING-look for free hosting websites,like blogger or wordpress and start blogging about a particular niche that is mostly being searched,be genuine and do some research if you think you need to know basic facts about what you want to talk about,that's the first step you should do.
AFFILIATE MARKETING-join an affiliate marketing program that's big,a name that's known,where visitors go to look for a particular item,like Amazon,e-BAY, and others,and don't overcrowd what you are selling,choose products that everyone is interested in,recommend products by writting reviews about it.
DATA ENTRY-go online and join companies and assist them in doing the data entries,spare atleast an hour the most of your time to research.
MAILING-mail letter,circulars for companies manually,meet deadline,and furthermore be committed to your work,make it your job,be timely,avoid procrastination.
JOURNALISM-Are you a freelance writer,or do you want to become one,then there are companies who want to market their product and need people to write or blog about it,choose powerful topics,and create good content giving them honest reviews.
SURVEYS-write surveys ,spare a few minutes of your time and do surveying online,you don't need to pay for anything,but you get paid for your reviews.
AUCTION-yeah,the stuff that you don't really need,people in general have a tendency on clinging to stuff they don't really need,or don't have much use for it,sell it on e-bay,see their policies on selling stuff,and don't put your prices so high start bidding low.
All in all you need to be committed,i hope this will help you.
Oi, sou o Clausewitz e gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer um pouco do Brasil. Abração